Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Water Pollution And Its Effects On Society Essay - 1472 Words

About thirty percent of the world is land mass—the other seventy percent is water. Water is essential to life and all forms of nature need water to thrive in the world. Whether we use the ocean, rivers, lakes, streams, or even the water that comes from your sink, water is a key component to the survival of all living things. Today, chemicals from various places and trash of sorts are getting into the water that are commonly used for drinking and other uses such as fishing, swimming, etc. Contaminated water is affecting the citizens of America in ways that could create long-lasting problems. We can come up with solutions like chemical regulations for companies with leakage, water cleaning devices and how they can be cheaper, and educating the people about hazardous water that will help keep the water safe and clean. Water pollution is a worldwide issue that multiple countries face. In America, the population continues to rise, which means more resources are being used and the e nvironment is changing dramatically due to human impact. Water is one of the resources that are being heavily impacted in some form or fashion. For instance, pollution from man-made products like gasoline, road salts, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. seep into the soil and enters the water that is beneath the earth. A portion of the United States drinking water is groundwater and this is the water that is impacted most. The Groundwater Foundation stated that, â€Å"Over 50% of the United States populationShow MoreRelatedPollution And Its Effects On The Environment973 Words   |  4 Pages Pollution As a society, we have come to understand that pollution is the process of discharging harmful substances into our atmosphere, water or soil. There are campaigns all across the world educating us to the different types of pollution. 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